/PRNewswire/ Wild Bill s, the premium, non-alcoholic craft beverage company, has expanded its portfolio to include low sugar sodas, seasonal fall flavors.
now according to cdc data published into the american journal of medical association. that is a 43 percent drop. researchers found no significant change in obesity rate among infants, toddlers, older children and adults. they don t know why the 2-5-year-old children seem to be the exception, but they have theories. over the past ten years, many daycares have decreased snack food and increased activity. children are drinking fewer sugar sodas and breast feeding rates are increasing. but there is still a a lot of work to do. while the study may offer good news for young kids between the ages of 2-5, cdc officials are carefully monitoring for trends over time to see if this can be sustained. let s hope it can be.
sugar isn t the only headache for soda companies. diet soft triangles seeing a drop in sales having coca-cola playing defense to convince customers artificial sweeteners are safer. coca-cola is based in atlanta. the ad is set to run in other cities. the advertisement refers to aspartame and says the safety is supported by more than 200 studies over 40 years. in another ad campaign early this year, coke pushed back against critics who blame sugar sodas for fueling obesity and touted the company s commitment to fighting obesity. according to the trade magazine, sales of diet coke and diet pepsi and others are suffering more than sugary counterparts. with us, fraser sigh sigh tele.
develop pancreatic cancer. we have a error relation. what they did look also at diet sodas as well as fruit juices. think said the correlation did not go along with diet sodas but being with the artificial sweetener but they didn t correlate witness fruit juices because they drink about eight ounces as opposed to 20 or 30 ounces with sugar sodas. i think it has more to do with the sugar. gregg: look, people who drink a lot of sweet soft drinks may have a lifestyle and a consumption habit that is bad for them. maybe there is a correlation there. are these people that have a bad lifestyle? that is exactly right. in one of the people that looked over the studies also thought