reason for that. lobbyists and special interest. a lot of people think they are making good choices because it s cocoa puffs, but it s nutrient enriched. it can t be so bad. without thinking you are still eating cocoa puffs, it s still all the vitamins, all the vitamins are now gummy bears. i m thinking this can t be right. there s some way that eating gummy bears cannot be a vitamin moment. if you think about food, there s a reason that certain combinations of food are healthy, whole food instead of we are going to infuse something that doesn t have these nutrients into it. we don t know necessarily what does it do to your body? it fuels the industry of people selling you foods that they say are not that bad for you. it s got nutrients, you are not poisoning your kids when you give them the sugar cereals. it s fortified. there s a bit of attention between the multiple things.
a senior attending physician at the emergency medicine center, and, doctor, good to see you. heather: good and bad news. the cereals are healthier. guest: they have. over the years. they have decreased the sugar and salt content but the problem is, the healthier cereals are not being marketed to the children. the healthier cereal choices are marketed just to the parents for cardiovascular issues. yet the unhealthy sugar cereals are marketed to children and that is the problem. gregg: you have products here. guest: i brought, i had some help, my daughter victoria located a cereal this morning which she brought to me, this one, the honey smack cereal, that, if you ate a bowl of that, each day for a year, the amount of sugar that is in that cereal
loops marshmallow, 48%. my kids have oversized cereal bowls so they re getting in terms of a typical serving size double that amount that i just said and then you also have in terms of other really bad offenders high sugar cereals, cocoa crispies, frosted crisp s crispies, rice kris pis, cap n crunch. it s unlikely to change any time soon but there are lower options out there, kellogg s mini wheats for the frosted and unfrosted and the cheerios so you don t have to go for the high sugar to get a tasty cereal. a new survey is out, enough already with the corporate lingo. we all do it, right? yes. we re all offenders of this. career builder asked more than 5,000 workers which particular
she was having a good time. and i ve heard salvia sales have gone up ever since this hit tmz. parents want to keep that one away from the children i imagine. number two about cereal. and i ve got to tell you i was a big cinnamon toast crunch girl back in the day. i was surprised by this by the way. usually you hear that kids only want to have the sugar cereal. well, not necessarily. there s a study that was done out of yale university. it shows that kids could eat the low sugar cereals if you put it in front of them. what this study did was put these kids into two groups. one the low sugar cereal group and the other the high-sugar group. and these kids were more than willing to go ahead and eat this low sugar stuff. in fact, they were willing to put more fresh fruit into their cereals unlike the sugar brands. also, one other interesting thing, the kids who ate the sugar cereals ate more of it. they weren t satisfied with one