Sandra Sue McAfee, affectionately known as Sandy, passed away peacefully at her home with her loving children by her side on November 1, 2023. Born on March 28, 1951, in Glen Dale, Sandy lived a life filled with love, laughter, and a touch of sass. She was 72 years old at the time of her […]
Algae blooms found in Matlacha Pass
Published: June 9, 2021 5:29 PM EDT
Updated: June 9, 2021 5:34 PM EDT
“The smell is awful,” said Jeff Boone.
Friends Boone and Sue McAfee were out on Matlacha on Wednesday looking for fishing spots but instead, the two ended up finding foul-smelling water.
It’s not just noticeable from the fishing pier. A bird’s eye view of the water shows it is milky with mat algae on the bottom of the Matlacha Pass.
The algae in this case is likely feeding on nutrients from septic tanks and the Peace River, not Lake Okeechobee releases.
“When my father was growing up, when he was a fisherman, this was a pretty clean estuary, it was full of oysters which helped clarify the water,” said Dr. Rick Bartleson, a research scientist with the Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation.