Pune: A local court in Pune has acquitted all accused, including Hindu Rashtra Sena chief Dhananjay Jayram, in the case of lynching of Mohsin Shaikh, 28, in 2014. The court of additional Sessions judge SB Salunkhe, acquitted all accused in the case, defence lawyer Sudhir Shah said.
Reading out the verdict on Friday, Pune Additional Sessions Judge S.B. Salunkhe said that the evidence brought on record was not strong enough to convict Desai and other co-accused and the prosecution had failed to prove its case beyond reasonable doubts, lawyer Sudhir Shah said for one of the accused.
Nine years after the murder of an IT professional Mohsin Shaikh rocked Maharashtra, a Pune Sessions Court acquitted all 20 accused including the Hindu Rashtra Sena (HRS) President Dhananjay Desai, here on Friday.Reading out the verdict on .
Reading out the verdict on Friday, Pune Additional Sessions Judge S.B. Salunkhe said that the evidence brought on record was not strong enough to convict Desai and other co-accused and the prosecution had failed to prove its case beyond reasonable doubts, lawyer Sudhir Shah said for one of the accused.
Nine years after the murder of an IT professional Mohsin Shaikh rocked Maharashtra, a Pune Sessions Court acquitted all 20 accused including the Hindu Rashtra Sena (HRS) President Dhananjay Desai, here on Friday.