The total India net collection is said to be Rs 29.80 crores with a gross of 35 crore rupees. The collections from overseas is said to be around 30 lakh. As per trade pundits, the total worldwide collections of Kotigobba 3 in four days in the first weekend of its release is said to be a whopping Rs 32.30 crores.Ikotigobba day 3 collectionsIkotigobba day 4 collectionsIkotigobba
Sudeep's Kotigobba 3 has managed to surpass Puneeth Rajkumar's Yuvarathnaa which was released last Summer. If reports are to be believed, Kotigobba 3 has overtaken Yuvarathanna's lifetime collections with two days of its earnings. Kotigobba 3 has earned Rs 13 cr in just two days at the box office. Meanwhile, the makers are adding the movie in more screens across
Kichcha Sudeep's Kotigobba 3 Second Day Collections: Sandalwood badshah and Abhinava Chakravarthy is riding high on the success of his recently released movie, Kotigobba 3. It is known that the release of the movie was put off by a day due to some issues.
Sudeep's Kotigobba 3 is heading for direct digital release. There is no official confirmation on this but the buzz in Gandhinagar circles suggest that the makers might consider the option of direct OTT release so as to not disappoint Kichcha fans who had even booked tickets to watch Kotigobba 3 first day first show!However, if the film does have a theatrical run after issues
Now, the cancellation of Sudeep's Kotigobba shows has turned out to be an advantage for Duniya Vijay. We hear that theatres that were to screen Kotigobba earlier are now being allotted to Salaga. While Kichcha fans are crying foul over the entire fiasco, movie buffs are blaming the mismanagement of the distributor for the situation. Ikotigobba 3 theatre listI kotigobba 3