these very historic sites. picking up on what dan said, the big question is after the headlines, after all these beautiful photo shots in africa, what happens next? is this going to be another place where obama goes to deliver great speeches, moves the country and then there s no follow-up. we ve seen this in cairo and other places. what happens next? the president spoke at the university of cape town, where bobby kennedy gave what was viewed by many people to have been the best speech of his life. that took place in 1966. let s take a listen to some of the president as he sort of looked back at that ripple of hope speech from 66. on the very day that kennedy spoke here, the american civil rights leader james meredith was shot in mississippi where he was marching to inspire blacks to register to vote. it would have seemed inconceivable to people at that time that less than 50 years later, an african-american