Seth, a Bengaluru-based CEO of a tech-start-up, is accused of allegedly murdering their four-year-old son in a Goa hotel and then trying to flee with the body to Karnataka.
India News: Suchana Seth, a 39-year-old CEO of a start-up company in Bengaluru, was arrested for killing her son. The motive for the murder is still unknown, but
Some Instagram users claimed to have known/met Suchana and her son. One user said she was her neighbour and was a very loving mother. | Latest News India
According to her LinkedIn profile, Suchana Seth is an AI ethics expert and data scientist with over 12 years of experience in mentoring data science teams and scaling machine learning solutions at startups.
According to her LinkedIn profile, Suchana Seth is an AI ethics expert and data scientist with over 12 years of experience in mentoring data science teams and scaling machine learning solutions at startups.