the challenge for the white house katy, this comes as the president is trying to push through a key part of his agenda. the plan to repeal and replace obamacare. house set to vote on thursday. that s part of why he s here in kentucky. he wants to push for that fwoil get passed. this by the way is a success story for obamacare. he s gotten an uphill bat until terms of making an argument. all of this overshadowing the broader agenda, katy. sean spicer saying that essentially the campaign manager for a time, paul manafort, kristen, only played a very limited role in the campaign. reporter: and that statement raised eyebrows, katy. i pressed the white house on that statement. i said how can sean spicer argue that he only played a limited role in the campaign when he was in fact the campaign manager? their pushback is look, we ve cleaned that statement up a little bit. he was referencing the amount of time that paul manafort actually