Since conservation scientists led by UNSW Sydney successfully trialed an intervention strategy never before used on land-based mammals, a population of bridled nailtail wallabies in Queensland has been taken back from the verge of extinction.
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Tasmanian Devil (Sarcophilus harrisii), Tasmanian Devil Conservation Park, Taranna, Tasmania, Australia.Tasmanian Devils disappeared from mainland Australia as recently as 400 years ago, but have now made their comeback in New South Wales.
Lemurs are among the most endangered species of animals, having 98% lemur species threatened and 31% critically endangered. This year, however, scientists described a new lemur species, the tiny
Microcebus jonahi or Jonah s mouse lemur, which was named after respected primatologist Jonah Ratsimbazafy.
Describing new lemur species is not easy, because they don t look different from their relatives. Improved genetic analyses help to detect taxonomic differences. According to scientist Marina Blanco, years were spent identifying these new species.