that the success depends heavily on whether people actually want to be on these exchanges and it s just very unclear. we ll have to wait and see. thank you so much. thank you. up next, more controversial than obama care, the obvious place for chopping, funding community service of course. we ll talk to a few next. [ female announcer ] it s simple physics. a body at rest tends to stay at rest. while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function so moving is easier. celebrex can be taken with or without food. and it s not a narcotic. you and your doctor should balance the benefits with the risks. all
six-mile zone cordoned off around the plant there. martha: all right, there s explosive new reporting out there, of intense pressure on a top-ranking air force general in order to fast-track a military project, sources telling fox news, general william shelton said that he was forced into or encouraged to change his congressional testimony in order to favor a business that is has a big investment from a big democratic donor. now, the company is called light squared and they deny these allegations and here they re quotes from them: it is ludicrous to suggest lightsquare s success depends on political connections. this is a private company that has never taken one dollar in taxpayer money. all right. that is the statement from the company. let s get into this, is k. t. mcfarland, fox news national security analyst. obviously the general wanted to speak out to somebody to let them know that he was