a map of the subway station. you remember as clear as if it was a recent event they knew what this witness told him, if true, was a bombshell. but neither dennison nor hughe is a lawyer, so they got i touch with one new york city is well-know civil rights attorney, ron kube they said look, we know there s no money to pay you, but would you take the case? so i said yes. kobe s first task was t talk with that witness his name is luis montero luis monte rio offered proo that johnny did not commit the crime. but what the court agree? luis montero is about to tel the harrowing story. coming up, get all of a sudden go i hear commotion screaming. did you see him go into the platform when dateline continues
point, she starts to flee. as she ran past the attackers, she said she sa them all and is certain that hincapie was not one of them she said when she heard th news of s arrest back then, sh even told her mother that he was innocent santana said she was afraid to come forward so she remained silent. so. it completely silent all these years except for telling he mother socials and get involved, bu she figured you know what, johnny wasn t there. the police will sort this out. and she sort of forgets about. up in 2015, santana took th stand, but didn t want us to record her testimony prosecutors attacked her credibility, pointing ou santana was convicted of a dru charge back in the 1990s, an they argue just because sh didn t see johnny, it doesn mean he wasn t there is it not possible she just missing johnny and the confusion on the platform? that he was there, and she jus didn t notice? absolutely impossible
of you prosecutors had their own witnesses to discredit him copier story who did not want to record their testimony. remember that friend who hincapie said was holding hi money that night i gave him my walle completely with all my money that friends name is anthon nichols, and he testified that hincapie never gave him an money to hold. looking for anthony niggles is supposed to the whole predicate for the defendan going back into the subway say should, or going down to the platform but nickel says this didn happen i asked ron kuby about that that friend tells the prosecution that johnny is lying. he never gave him money. how do you respond to that well that friend also tol her that he didn t remember. hurley argued to the cour that hincapie was lying what something else he says the escalator that hincapie says he went down was working just fine, and it wa
story, it s important to understand how the subwa station is laid out. the platform level is where th trains come in, and where th crime took place no one long flight up from the platform is what s called th turnstile level. and then, a final set of stair gets you to the street montero says that hincapie was on the platform when the crime happens, but one flight up o that turn stylable with him. he asked me for this othe guy that came in if i ve see him. montero testified about specific details that matc hincapie s version of events he was looking for the othe guy, because he supposedly had some money for him another detail that match hincapie s story, montero said hincapie began going down this up escalator, which kuby wha
tourist on a subway platform i manhattan. his own words sealed his fate. so you could see that was a night? yeah. anybody looking at it, it sounds like you re agreein with them, that s the story. but it wasn t a jury convicted him, and over the years, hincapie couldn t get a court to hear his case again when all my appeals wer finished, i literally got down on my knees last time and told god, i don t want to be here anymore i don t want to live and then one day, 16 year into his prison sentence, reporter heard about hincapi claim of innocence i ve got a lot of letters from prison inmates-ing thei innocence, i never believed an of him it was bill hughes. i met with johnny, i listen to him for a few hours, and didn t believe him i saw his confession, and thought he was guilty. but, i read the transcripts, i started to look into it.