After not having a wrestling season two years ago due to COVID-19, and last winter largely deterred by low numbers and the cancellation of the majority of tournaments, local high school coaches feel the 2022-23 wrestling season is a welcomed return to.
Top Sports Stories of 2020: Mahar’s Jon Mahoney grapples with success
Mahar’s Jon Mahony, top, wrestles during a past match against Granby. Mahony was the runner-up at 113 pounds in last year’s MIAA Division III state tournament. STAFF FILE PHOTO
Published: 12/28/2020 5:48:47 PM
(NOTE: This story is part of our Top Sports Stories of 2020 series, which runs throughout this week.)
Everyone likes a good upset, and Jon Mahony delivered a few of those himself during the MIAA Division 3 State Wrestling Championship in February.
The Mahar Regional School senior placed second in the Central Mass. Division 3 championships to qualify for the state tournament, where he was seeded No. 6 in the 113-pound bracket.