pbs says while smiley praises women to come forward with complaints, his company requires them to sign non-disclosure agreements. mika brzezinski apologized for saying she tried to bring halperin together with his victims to talk to them. this update. the new york times who suspended glenn thrush over allegations of inappropriate sexual behavior is being removed from the white house beat. rush had been aggressive with several women including unwanted touching and kissing when he was at politico. he was a reporter there and the women didn t work for him. thrush was in substance abuse rehab.
i cheers for those who had a spring in their step picking up trash. drug rehab groups substance abuse rehab. prison rehab group. they seemed to have a good record. someone is doing something right with these guys. i give them money. here s what i recommend. you tell me if i am right or wrong. i want people in their home towns to donate locally rather than these big funds where you have offices. go local where you know and you can get involved and you see what the results are. i think that s the way to do it. secondly if you get the phone call skip those charities. tell marketers often take 90 percent of the money. then there are organizations that don t use the money the way you want them to. john stossel everybody.