Turner Pope Investments (TPI) Limited (Broker) Andy Thacker/Zoe Alexander About DeepVerge plc (www.deepverge.com) DeepVerge is an environmental and life science group of companies that develops and applies AI and IoT technology to analytical instruments for the analysis and identification of bacteria, virus and toxins. Utilising artificial intelligent data analytics to scientifically prove the impact of skincare product claims on skin microbiome for most of the top 20 global cosmetic company clients and remotely detect and identify in real-time, dangerous pathogens in wastewater treatment plants, drinking water, rivers, lakes and reservoirs. Skin Trust Club (www.skintrustclub.com) Customised skincare routine derived from a home test kit, lab tested and linked to local environment via a free smartphone App that updates in real-time and identifies ingredients that suit the subscribers unique skin microbiome. This