Πραγματοποιήθηκε την Δευτέρα 16 Αυγούστου στις 07:00 μ.μ., η διαμαρτυρία με αυτοκινητοπομπή στη ΒΕΛΑ και η ενημερωτική εκδήλωση στον Αστακό στις 08:30 μ.μ., με διοργανωτή την Επιτροπή Αγώνα, για να εκφραστεί η αντίθεση στον προτεινόμενο σχεδιασμό της Περιοχής Οργανωμένης Ανάπτυξης Υδατοκαλλιεργειών (Π.Ο.Α.Υ.) Εχινάδων Νήσων και Αιτ/νίας, που περιλαμβάνει την μεγάλη…
schwarzenegger and president medvedev speaking english to each other. would have been a lot of fun. mike viqueira at the white house this morning. thanks very much. a setback yesterday in the gulf. a robot increased the amount of oil flowing out. the cap is back on. nbc s tom costello joining us this morning. walk us through this. explain how it happened and how they got the cap back on so quickly. reporter: well, this happened yesterday at about 9:45 eastern time and what happened was one of the remote submarine vehicle accidentally bumped the containment cap on top of the well spewing oil from the bottom of the ocean. it hit a vent and as a result of hitting a vent and closing the vent, apparently we started to see pressure increase and gas increase coming up off of that tube. the concern was that ice might start forming and recall a month ago or six weeks ago the concern was ice forming and blocking the