KUALA LUMPUR: Umno Youth secretary Datuk Hasmuni Hassan has offered himself as a candidate for the Umno Youth chief’s post in the party's upcoming election.
KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 1 Umno supreme council member Datuk Armand Azha Abu Hanifah is bidding for the party Youth chief post in its upcoming internal election. Armand said the wing.
KUALA LUMPUR: Vernacular schools have not been a hindrance to national unity, but “threats” from certain parties towards such schools could lead to the destruction of the country’s unity and harmony, says Malaysian Chinese Language Council president Datuk Eddie Heng Hong Chai
Over 20% of students at Chinese schools are non-Chinese, which makes them multiracial institutions, he said.
“Vernacular schools (which consist of Chinese and Tamil schools) are part of the national education system and are protected by the Constitution and the Education Act.
“Although the medium of teaching is different (from SKs), all teaching content is provided by the Education Ministry, meaning they are in line with the national education policy, ” said Heng during a joint press conference with Gabungan Seni Khat Action Team (Sekat) and non-governmental organisation kitabantukita.org here on Friday (April 23).