i don t agree. this this after a group of asian-american students filed complaint against harvard and the university of north carolinaa hill, alleging that ta they failed to employ racet neutral admissions practices. now the majority opinion delivered, chief justice john roberts said that any studenn t, quote, must be treat based on his or her experiencebs . an individual not on the basis of race, highlighting the importance of this case in a rare move. noarw justices clarence thomas d and sonia sotomayor also and actually read their opinions from the bench now, with justice thomas declaring, quote, at alnow l forms discrimination based on race, including so-called action, areo prohibited under the u.s. co. titutionhi now, a harvard did, in fact, release a statement following the decision acknowledging that the court ruled their admissions policies did not comply with the 14th amendment, the equal protection clause in the constitution and the civil rights act. but harvar la
lines and the authority to further in the investigation, he was stopped and stymieind in every situation, right? yeah, absolutelsiion.y by th, the most interesting thing he told me was everybody from david weiss, all the way down through the tax division, the career agents, everybodyr as that hunter biden should face far more serious feloniey agreee and they recommended those cases to both the u.s. attorneys in californi casesa an washington, d.c., both appointees of joe biden. bo turned down.urned the agents also got turned down for search warrants. agentsdo rants. got turned down for permission to interview witnesses. the agents got turned down pe to ask questions about joe biden and they were told qubiden.ually had a question for hunter biden s children, a factual question, very important for resolving the case. and they were told it s not in your current interest to go and interviet w the joe biden si grandchildren, they were thwarted at every investigativle tactic, every search