the beat with ari melber starts right now. it is friday. i appreciate you sharing that story and i wish you a great weekend. thank you. and it is friday and one of the fridays with a lot of news. there is even more fallout from the scandal engulfing fox news and rupert murdoch. my colleague chris hayes is here with us his fellow author, one place and one show and stick with us, you ll hear from them by the end of the hour. we begin with the political heat emanating from the cpac gathering in the beltway and it upd scores a dilemma for republicans in realtime. after the midterms where they recoiled from the big lie and the trumpy obsession with the party, and this gathering is televising the out right domination, sometime even self-parity of once fringe figurers in charge. candidates who may run against trump decided to cut and run from even trying to make a cpac appearance leaving to to leaders doubling down on things that turned off many voters in november. the far
during the day helpful but hannity and ingram dupping on him might save the day. this is the talk of a party chair. this raises other campaign finance questions about whether fox s coverage phoned in by murdoch should be treated as some kind of in kind contribution. this is propaganda. and we will stay on these parts of the case, which mattered just as much as some of the other stuff that might actually lead to who wins or loses. now, activists say that there are corporations teaming up with republicans to attack basic fundamental rights. we have that story later tonight. we have the new bill in florida i told you about that is putin s style desantis politics. but we have something very special. gary steingart and author and host chris hayes, you see them, they re here next.