hit two good years at the beginning. it s been declining ever since. every actor you can name on television, if you can name them, i guarantee you they made more money than donald trump. he made $50,000 an episode the first season. he made $100,000 an episode for the next two seasons, joe. that is when it was at the highest rating. he was a hired hand. he was relatively low paid. he is a middle class person. he makes less than hillary clinton does for one of her speeches. poor guy. it drives him crazy if anyone is richer than him. this guy, mika, this guy, it s unbelievable. donald trump, he s just such a loser. he has a prime time show on nbc or a decade. and you re falling for it because you don t understand how much money people make on tv. you don t get i. you can just keep rambling and being condescending as you
this is a good one. we always talk about knowing your value and you are finishing your donut? you re, like it s all right. go ahead. he is talking mid chew. is that a donut? did you just have a donut? no it s the chocolate croissant croissant. he eats like four of them. i know he s doing that. i m a jelly donut. anyhow as you were saying. how do you say i m a chocolate croissant? oh, my god, it s great. we talk about knowing your value, mika. and we talk about it in the personal life and in term of 2015. but elizabeth warren knew her value a very long time ago and she actually practiced that in her personal life in a way very few women did 35 years ago.
republican statements that i ve had meltdowns on the set about. i just want to know why everyone is smiling and what s going on here with donald trump that people kind of can t and by the way, take note, the only people that say crazy things in mika s world in the south of france are republicans. bernie sanders said crazy things. elizabeth warren has said crazy things. nancy pelosi has said crazy things. no. no. i just want to level this out. but everybody says something crazy once in a while. howard dean has said some crazy things. never has. so jeremy you get the point. why is everyone right, we re smiling for the same reason that a lot of people are lining up to go see donald trump from las vegas to arizona to new hampshire because he s a spectacle. he is entertainment. he is a cultural he is a reality star.
who is getting a lot of attention. it s now time for everyone to be seen, all the a,000thou 5,000 candidates. but what hillary clinton has to do is revamp herself and come back brand new very soon. yeah. and strong. april, before we show the exchange between you and president obama about bill cosby, i just want to know obviously it s a huge day at the white house yesterday. everyone is talking about the iran deal. what was your thinking or your strategy or just why does you decide to ask that question then? you know mika it s interesting that people are like why did you ask that question? first of all, the president came out. it was a press conference where he was going to give a statement on iran. i didn t get the memo where it was just an iran press conference. i ve been doing this for 18 years. and i watched the veterans do this. the sam donaldsons the helen thomases and ann compton dozen this great job. and i watched them you know at
no for people following trump, half of them are going there with a smile on their face. it is part spectacle. but when he calls washington leaders stupid mika and when he talks about how they re suckers and how they make one bad deal after another and how they betrayed working class americans and how they ve betrayed middle class americans and how china s getting best of us iran is getting the best of us mexico is getting the best of us everybody s getting the best of us because the leaders are just dumb. well, that s not a message that does not that only appeals to republicans. that appeals to a lot of people and, by the way, he s not michelle bachmann. he s not sarah palin. he s not herrmann cain. this is a guy who may not be worth $10 billion he s he s probably worth $7 billion. everybody sort of laughed and mocked donald trump. i noted this when i first came