Fall is in full swing, with stuffy noses from the change in the season, flu shots, and COVID-19 shots being plastered into arms, as parents all over think of ways to keep their kids warm when they go out trick or treating.but it’s never too early to think about winter, especially when Park Ridge is having a little fun kicking off a contest for residents to name its 14 snow plows. Residents .
stuffy noses. these are surfers and turtle watch volunteers, identical across four states. we have bp still maintaining that these people do not need respirators either on the cleanup or in their communities. that s one thing. the people, especially the turtle watch volunteers who walk the beaches consistently every morning at 6:00 a.m., they say the carcasses are disappearing. people who walk the beaches at night, they ve seen little baby dolphins wash up dead, flashlights, people descend out of nowhere, carcass gone in 15 minutes. there s reports from offshore of massive kills on the barrier islands from fishermen who have been working on the spill response. and the bp s response has been is to use metal detectors to keep and prevent the people from even taking cell phones out to photograph this. we ve flown pilots out,
plans to overhaul the department valdez veterans, ricky ott, who of interior to make the gulf better. joins us from pensacola, his hopes to get bp s compensation funds put in escrow florida. thanks for your time tonight. now with robert reich and bp s you re welcome. good evening. you have been traveling the coast since this happened. continuing attempt to hide the can you tell us your experiences truth at the scene of the crime. and what you re hearing from with marine toxicologist ricky people there? the experiences veer across three different states now, four including florida. ott. it s still not easy being greene. people are getting headaches, the man alvin green defeated is our guest tonight. sore throats, nausea, dizziness, stuffy noses. i never met the man and saw these are surfers and turtle none of his campaign material. i didn t know who he was. watch volunteers, identical a trillion dollar mineral find in afghanistan? across four states. did that play a part in th
that the aerial dispersants do more for their image that the for the water. the deployment of booms in the gulf criticized for the improper execution of that deployment, including from veterans of the exxon valdez spill. they remember full well that the ceo promised the communities would be helped. behind the scenes he was audiotaped saying he didn t care whether the booms contained the oil. he just wanted pictures of them in the water. we re joined by one of those valdez veterans, ricky ott, who joins us from pensacola, florida. thanks for your time tonight. you re welcome. good evening. you have been traveling the coast since this happened. can you tell us your experiences and what you re hearing from people there? the experiences veer across three different states now, four including florida. people are getting headaches, sore throats, nausea, dizziness,
including florida. people are getting headaches, sore throats, nausea, dizziness, stuffy noses. these are suffrfers and turtle watch volunteers, identical across four states. we have bp still maintaining that these people do not neres pirators on the cleanup or in the communities. the people, especially the turtle watch volunteers who watch the beaches consistently every morning at 6:00 a.m., they say the carcasses are disappearing. people who walk the beaches at night, they ve seen little baby dolphins wash up dead, flashlights, people descend out of nowhere, carcass gone in 15 minutes. there s reports from offshore of massive kills on the barrier islands from fishermen who have been working on the spill response. and the bp s response has been to ut metal detectors to keep and prevent the people from even taking cell phones out to