Chris Hayes discusses the days top news. Reporters, Julia Ainsley and tyranny snead. We have been going back and forth. And i thought ken had the exciting stuff. But i think i had the better day. Where exactly Paful Manafort lied. One man who said he was asked to lie by Paul Manafort when he had emails showing that he was asked to lie and say that a residence that Paul Manafort owned in new york was a personal residence for the manaforts and not a Business Rental as it was. He wanted him to lie because he was trying to change his financial situation to get more loans. Then we saw another tax
preparer, cindy laporta. And she, there is a reason she had immunity because she said she was disturbed and she eventually drew a line and stopped doing this. But never wanted to report it because she didnt want to open up her firm to litigation. There is a pattern, rick gates and Paul Manafort worked hand in glove. It was not rick gates. And that also time and time again, Paul Manafort both person
Judge tonight is calling the Trump Administration reunification efforts unacceptable. When all in starts right now. Good evening from new york, im chris hayes. At the close of the first week of Paul Manaforts trial, things do not look good for the former Campaign Chairman of the trump campaign. And today in particular, the testimony about manaforts alleged tax evasion and bank fraud took on a Very Human Dimension when his accountant admitted under oath on the stand that she had in fact knowingly falsified Tax Documents in order to save Manafort Hundreds Of Thousands of dollars in taxes. Manaforts accountant, Cindy La Porta testifying i knew it was wrong, i could have refused but that would expose the Accounting Firm to the risk of litigation or i could have called longtime clients liars. I very much regret it. This is the first of two trials of Paul Manafort being brought by special counsel robert
wire transfers to prove that Paul Manafort was hiding millions of dollars of income from
seems at once a long time and a short time, but when you think of everything that happened since we had our first conversation, it really is remarkable. the way that government is using state power to mandate our ignorance. even as we see the effects of this playing out in our society every day. i left a lot of stuff out, including stuff that happened to you. you don t play, nor do you think you are a victim of this whole thing. in fact when we spoke a few months ago, i want to play back what you said to me about this. let s listen. no one is more surprised at what 1619 has become, symbolically, and what i have become symbolically. this was a work of journalism to me and i hoped people would read it, but i did not think it would spawn this backlash we have seen with all of these anti-critical race theory laws that began as 1619 project laws and have become this cultural
or things like that, and when he walks down the street, somebody comes up to him, he doesn t know how that s going to go, and i think that part of it isn t just that somebody s threatening you, it s the seed that they plant that gets you worried and you re always looking over your shoulder. i think that stormy daniels and michael cohen come to mind in particular, about two people that have been targeted and there s hate sent to them on social media. at a certain point, you don t know what s going to happen. those sort of threats are effective. when you hear something at night at your home, you don t know what it is. you re terrified. it s a form of terror. whether you re the of a violent assault or not, being terrified. i was in a parking lot going to a fitness class with my infant daughter. i was taking, you know, the seats facing backwards in the backseat, diaper bag, you know, getting all the stuff out, and a
within the social displi and so those fighting the foreign influence claims, and fight haste and when all of the social platforms were cut out, meta took this seriously, and brought in the government official agent sits to root this stuff out, and the fact that the cuts may impact the work that they do, and though it is likely that the election is going to be a priority next year, and i wanted to say that from to a meta poex