this happened, in terms of the lost billions, happened on hillary clinton s watch. what s very interesting is for most of hillary s term as secretary of state, there was no state department up specter general, meaning she wasn t watching taxpayer money as it was being spent to her department, and she had no inspector general, no i.g., to do it for her. but there was an inspector general prior to her arrival? yes. so you could make the argument she s trying to keep the world at peace and all this. too busy doing big stuff like that. you say this is all part of her job. of course, she was the top diplomat with big things on her plate, but when you were the head of a department and you have a huge budget, all of which is made up by taxpayer money, you have a responsibility to those taxpayers. understood, but how did they discover we can t account for this? an inspector general audited the books and said $6 billion now has been lost. a lot of this is contracting
nothing changes here. every day is just like yesterday and tomorrow s going to be the same as today. about the only thing changes here is the faces. after a while, even the faces begin to be the same, you know? you know, that s one of the things about doing time. nothing changes. jack hill finds working out to be the best remedy to the monotony of his life as the santa rosa correction institution in florida. part of the routine we do, we ll come out here and walk laps on the track. some guys get into the basketball. mainly, me, i get into dips and pull-ups, push-ups, stuff like that. everybody has their own little way of getting tension and
nothing changes here. every day is just like yesterday and tomorrow s going to be the same as today. about only thing that changes here is the faces. after a while even the faces begin to be the same. you know? you know, that s one of the thing about doing time. nothing changes. jack hill finds working out to be the best remedy to the monotony of his life here at the santa rosa correction s institution. out here on the track, some guys get into the basketball. me, i m mainly, i get into pull-up, push-ups stuff like that. everybody s got their own little way of getting tension and aggravation this is your stress release right here.
slashed before the run. your wife is in the car, your child is in the car. can i tell you how many cases i don t know what happened exactly before all of this. there is video taken before but not involving this suv in which they re acting recklessly, doing wheelies, stuff like that. from now on i love this. i love this panel. because from now on, every time i ve got a guy in a road rage case, i want you guys as my jury. because all of this is complete nonsense from a legal standpoint. you don t get to if somebody slows down, there s nothing that says i ve got to pass because i ve got a 2-year-old and my wife in the car. i m going to run them over. what should the driver have done? the driver has a legal duty once he runs over that person to pull over and stop. while they re pursuing him? he s in danger. you re wrong on the law. that s the law. the law does not require you to walk back into harm s way, does the law the law requires you to stop. an i will tell
you understand? go ahead and house him alone immediately go ahead and put him on heightened security. okay? later, bowden explained he made the key from a battery. you have to roll it so you ll be able to grip it. yeah, but the dimensions right, though. yeah. somebody told me. make them at one point in time. the cuff key $25. all right. look. this somewhat we need do. go with him and get the balanced property packed up. we re going to ship him over and place in heightened security single cell over there. get him out, his stuff packed up and get him out of here. sometimes the risk has to be taking. if i make it and get caught, i get the consequences and have to accept the consequences. place you on heightened