to just say let the other stuff go. this administration continues to say there s nothing there. but yet they don t act that way at all. now, warner, the leading democrat on the senate intelligence committee says he wants more information from donald trump jr. before the committee asks him to testify. but the president s son and campaign chairman are expected to appear before the committee next month. the trump administration is repairing to challenge affirmative action policies that it believes discriminate against white people in the college admission process. the newspaper obtained an internal document from the civil rights division of the justice department seeking staff lawyers working on a new project involving intentional race based discrimination. it appears to target school admission policies that prioritize minority students. the administration plans to redirect justice department
that question about the president weighing in, if you will, on a statement before it was released from his son, donald trump, a statement that turned out to be misleading, at the very least. the change in messaging here at the white house now finally acknowledging in fact that the president did in fact weigh in. they do say the president did not dictate that statement. now, how is it all playing on capitol hill? well, for both democrats and some republicans, there is a big question of credibility. listen. if that s true, then that was a bad decision by the president which will make us ask more questions. when you get caught in a lie about one thing, it makes it hard to say let the other stuff go. this administration continues to say there s nothing there. the yet they don t act that way at all. reporter: so now, a growing
it came from donald trump jr. the president weighed in as any father would based on the limited information that he had. america is the oldest constitutional republic in the world. it is not family business. they say that president trump personally drafted that initial statement from his eldest son. when you get caught in a lie, n about one thing, it makes it hard to say, just let the other stuff go. every time there is one of those episodes it creates difficulty for mueller and his team to interview. i see what is happening in the rest of the world and i have deep concern about our inability to focus on real problems and real problem solving. very soon president trump will sign legislation to strengthen and codify the united states sanctions against russia. action by the congress to put the sanctions in place and the way they did, and neither the president nor i are very happy about that.
today claims that the president weighed in on donald trump jr. s first public statement about his meeting with russians during the campaign, the only thing the white house spokesperson will say is that he weighed in. a phrase that has no specificity. no meaning. did he weigh in on every word? did weighing in mean he dictated some of the sentences and not all of the sentences? this morning, matt lauer asked republican senator lindsey graham about the possibility that the president dictated the words of donald trump jr. s first statement about that meeting with russians. it sounds like the president himself was trying to cover up the truth about that meeting. if that s true, then that was a bad decision bit president, which will make us more questions. when you get caught in a lie about one thing, it makes it hard to just say, let the other stuff go.
it sounds like the president himself was trying to cover up the truth about that meeting. if that s true, then that was a bad decision bit president, which will make us more questions. when you get caught in a lie about one thing, it makes it hard to just say, let the other stuff go. joining us now, peter baker. also, eli stoeg els. and paul butler. peter, do you first. you ve been to the interviews, rambling incoherent interviews conducted with the president. what is it like in that room when he begins a sentence, cuts himself off, changes the subject, adds a new subject that isn t clear at all. wanders off. then maybe never answers where