debunked again. buint new analysis showing that deaths in august were among people who were vaccinated or boosted. well, that s coming at the same time as a new report. commissioned by the hhs. in it, itre not only urges a return of social distancing and masks, but the return mandates. , dr pr joining me now, dr.. ja jay bhattacharya, professor of stanford s school of medicine, and dr. jeannette nashwadr. je l joining me here in studio.tor an she is , of course, fox news medical contributor and founder of b.s. boost .com. com. dr. bhattacharyya, hhs told fox that the mandate language in the report is not theirs. but when pressed about their support, the recommendations, hhsan declined to answerswer. your reaction. well, you know, i think if you looku how mathematics have worked out, can we really say that they ve worked? we ve had them off and onhe through the pandemic. the disease spread anyways. c look at japan heavily masked.