Produced by Cheeky Little Media, the popular animated series follows a young Tricarrotops and her three baby Pea- Rex friends as they embark on journeys and adventures.
At Licensing Expo, the kids’ entertainment company shares new brands, partners, and co-productions, including L&M for Studio 100 and Cheeky Little’s animated preschool property ‘Vegesaur,’ ‘The Gummy Bear Show’ produced by Toonz Media Group, and Bidaya Media’s ‘The Adventures of Mansour: Age of AI.’
With Season 4 of the live-action phenomenon garnering 1.35 billion viewing hours in its first 28 days, Netflix is promising fans more strange days ahead with a new animated series.
Alweer pech voor de musical Daens. Tijdens de voorstelling van vrijdagavond ontstond er een dermate zwaar technisch probleem dat de show moest stopgezet wo.