‘If you feel angry you’re at the right place’
Students posed questions and voiced their concerns during the Student Fee Committee (SFC) town hall last week, where members of the SFC discussed their sometimes misunderstood role at Portland State.
The SFC is responsible for funding and sustaining individualized resources and career opportunities for PSU students. The SFC is a group of seven students elected alongside members of the Associated Students of Portland State University (ASPSU) and together they make up PSU’s student government.
There are two laws in Oregon that dictate the process for determining the cost of education, and subsequently, how much students are charged: Oregon Revised Statute 352.102, which applies to tuition, and 352.105, which covers mandatory incidental fees.
CPSO Chief Halliburton and President Percy discuss reasons for delays in disarmament
According to Chief of Campus Public Safety Willie Halliburton, despite having to delay disarming campus security, officers who hold the rank of lieutenant or higher began patrolling unarmed on Jan. 1, and all other officers will start patrolling firearm-free by the end of the academic year.
“I’d like to confirm my deepest steadfast commitment to unarmed patrols here at PSU,” Halliburton said. “It will happen. It will happen this academic school year.”
In August, the university announced plans to disarm its campus security after years of activism from students and faculty calling on the university to do so, especially after campus security shot and killed Jason Washington, a Black man, at a bar near campus in 2018. The initial announcement in August stated officers would begin unarmed patrols in the fall. However, due to staffing and administrative challenges, that goal