The discussion will be held on Friday, January 26 at 1 p.m.ATHENS, OH – The world of media and journalism is fast-paced and exciting, but as young media professionals enter the industry the respo
The wall recognizes six-figure donations to WOUBATHENS, OH - There are now four plaques on the WOUB Major Donor Wall located on the third floor of the Radio and Television Building outside the WOUB
Drew graduated from Ohio University in 1978ATHENS, OH – Former WOUB Student Doug Drew is continuing to pay his WOUB experience forward by making a more than $250,000 planned estate gift toward an
A plaque for Ed Williams was recently hung on the wall honoring major donorsATHENS, OH – A second plaque has gone up on the wall of the third floor of the Radio and Television Building outside th
Williams worked at WOUB from 1961-74ATHENS, OH – Technology-oriented students working at WOUB Public Media now have the opportunity to be awarded a $2,000 scholarship – thanks to former WOUB Rad