Penn State Student Affairs has created a new staff position assistant director and student pantry manager to lead and manage the operations of the student food pantry, Lion’s Pantry, in close collaboration with students. Heide Gibson began the role in May.
Among 4-year college students, 33% experienced some sort of food insecurity during their time at college, according to a briefing document prepared by Vice President of Student Affairs Damon Sims
On May 5, Penn State Student Affairs released the results of the Food and Housing Needs Survey, which was conducted in fall 2021 among a random sample of students at the University Park campus. The results have provided University leaders with additional, important insight into the prevalence and nature of student needs in the area of food and housing security and are informing next steps.
Damon Sims, vice president for Student Affairs, led a discussion on food and housing insecurity among Penn State students and efforts to help address these issues, during a meeting of the Penn State Board of Trustees Committee on Academic Affairs, Research and Student Life on May 5.