Good afternoon everybody. The subcommittee will come to order. I have to apologize in advance. I have to step out and have asked congressman to preside in my absence. So thank you for that. I want to thank everybody for joining us for todays hearing of the subcommittee on Economic Opportunity where we will begin our first oversight hearing on the implementation of hr 3218, the harry veterans assistance act of 2017 this bill was designed or signed into law on august 16th, 2017 and a great example of what congress can do with we put the American People and in this case our Veterans First and foremost in addition to the efforts of chairman row and other members of this committee, it was it result of the good efforts of many of our vsos. Two of whom are joined with us on the panel, student veterans of america. This was the first major improvement to the gi bill since 2011 and brought forth by many members of this house. To serve either in uniform or along side their active duty spouse or p
I have to apologize in advance. I have to step out and have asked congressman to preside in my absence. So thank you for that. I want to thank everybody for joining us for todays hearing of the subcommittee on Economic Opportunity where we will begin our first oversight hearing on the implementation of hr 3218, the harry veterans assistance act of 2017 this bill was designed or signed into law on august 16th, 2017 and a great example of what congress can do with we put the American People and in this case our Veterans First and foremost in addition to the efforts of chairman row and other members of this committee, it was it result of the good efforts of many of our vsos. Two of whom are joined with us on the panel, student veterans of america. This was the first major improvement to the gi bill since 2011 and brought forth by many members of this house. To serve either in uniform or along side their active duty spouse or parent. While we can all be proud of the collectedive achievemen
Mr. Brady the committee will come to order. I have an amendment at the desk. The amendment has been distributed in advance. Mr. Neal. Would you like me to address the amendment . Lets do that. Mr. Neal i think that would be very helpful. Mr. Brady good. I am pleased for this amendment, the amendment in the nature of a substitute, on behalf of the majority on the ways and Means Committee, similar to the amendment i offered on monday. This amendment will refine several provisions in the tax cuts and jobs act. It also takes action on three crucial priorities. Helping american families, providing tax relief to main street startups, and increasing american competitiveness. Lets start with helping families. First, among other important improvements, this amendment will preserve the adoption tax credit. Now, i know americans who adopt are not doing this for the tax benefit. Were doing it because we want to provide a safe and loving home for a child. I know from personal experience the adoptio
The committee will come to order. I have an amendment at the desk. The amendment has been distributed in advance. Mr. Neal. Would you like me to address the amendment . Lets do that. I am pleased for this amendment, the amendment in the nature of a substitute, on behalf of the majority on the ways and means committee, similar to the amendment i offered on monday. This amendment will refine several provisions in the tax cuts and jobs act. It also takes action on three crucial priorities. Helping american families, providing tax relief to main street startups, and increasing american competitiveness. Lets start with helping families. First, among other important improvements, this amendment will preserve the adoption tax credit. Now, i know americans who adopt are not doing this for the tax benefit. Were doing it because we want to provide a safe and loving home for a child. I know from personal experience the adoption process can be expensive and time consuming and ultimately so rewardi
The committee will come to order. I have an amendment at the desk. The amendment has been distributed in advance. Mr. Neal. Would you like me to address the amendment . Lets do that. I am pleased for this amendment, the amendment in the nature of a substitute, on behalf of the majority on the ways and means committee, similar to the amendment i offered on monday. This amendment will refine several provisions in the tax cuts and jobs act. It also takes action on three crucial priorities. Helping american families, providing tax relief to main street startups, and increasing american competitiveness. Lets start with helping families. First, among other important improvements, this amendment will preserve the adoption tax credit. Now, i know americans who adopt are not doing this for the tax benefit. Were doing it because we want to provide a safe and loving home for a child. I know from personal experience the adoption process can be expensive and time consuming and ultimately so rewardi