after he made allegations in a whistleblower complaint. he was strip of his gun and badge, and removed from the daytona beach fbi field office. that sounds like fun, getting stripped at the daytona beach feel office. i guess as far as the fbi is concerned he s been unfriended. see what i did there with his name? because his name s friend. i think that s a courtesy laugh on yor part, bat i ll let it go. now, you can keep doing it, aren t you? don t you remember the whistleblower protection act? that was such a big deal when all the anonymous sneakers were coming after trump. now it gets ignored like tinder dating profile. very lean guy. laughing through the tears. n. friend was declared absent without leave because he wouldn t take part in a swat raid that hey considered excessive force agents the january 6 folks accused of misdemeans. in a way it s like being punished for refusing to take part in a home invasion. but because friend missed off the wrong people he was gone fast
figure out the connection. we re being recorded all the team. tyrus made so many great point. you have nothing to hide. we re being recorded anyway. i feel like we re being recorded right now. [laughter] not very subtly, i might add. that true. the guy over here with the camera, he s not even hiding. he s not even hiding it, look at him. jared. at least put it en a a least ask us when we want to be filmed. yeah. this is a problem of being a celebrity. and guy will just come en with a giant camera and film you and then put a thing behind you that pretends to be a show. all right, up next, studen such tree-mendous views. i m at a moss for words. when a cough tries to steal dad s punchlines, he takes robitussin naturals powered by 100% drug-free ingredients. are you gonna leaf me hanging? soothe your cough naturally.