Nice Racism author Robin DiAngelo: ‘It was heartbreaking to suggest I would increase racial harm’
The i 17 hrs ago David Woode
As oxymorons go, the concept of “nice racism” defies logic. It can be implicit or overt; endemic or breathtakingly casual. For the recipient it stirs anger and embarrassment. There is never anything “nice” about racism.
But for Robin DiAngelo, the US anti-racism educator and author, the term encapsulates the way well-meaning, white progressives unknowingly cause “the most daily harm” to black, Asian and minority ethnic people.
She has used it for the title of her new book, in which DiAngelo calls on white people to recognise how an “overall lack of racial humility often leads to declarations of disagreement when, in fact, the problem is that we don’t understand”.
In early 1990s Chicago, in the Uptown neighborhood, young Cambodian men hang out in a back alley of an apartment building and an elderly Cambodian woman and young boy work with krama, a traditional Khmer textile.
Photography Book Captures Cambodian Refugees’ Struggle to Settle in 1990s Chicago
The images convey the experience of refugees and their children, as they struggled to put Cambodia’s conflicts behind them and raise their families in America’s poorest neighborhoods.
By Ten Soksreinith
CHICAGO – For Khemarey Khoeun, the images bring back memories of growing up as a child in the Cambodian community in Chicago: mothers caring for toddlers in front of an apartment block on a summer day, young men donning caps and sneakers who smoke cigarettes on a street corner, a wedding party with the couple in traditional Khmer clothes gathered in a cramped apartment.
Retailers, Restaurants and Theme Parks Lift Mask Rules: Live Updates
Source: Factset
Starbucks has announced that masks will be optional for vaccinated customers as of Monday, unless local regulations require them.Credit.Eze Amos for The New York Times
Target on Monday joined a growing list of retailers, restaurants and theme parks that will allow fully vaccinated customers to go mask free, following new coronavirus safety guidance from the federal government last week that said vaccinated people rarely transmit the virus.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Thursday took many businesses by surprise when it said that people who are vaccinated could go maskless in most places, including indoors. For businesses, the announcement was complicated by the fact that C.D.C. guidance does not override state and local rules. But several major companies have already moved to relax mask requirements. Businesses for the most part have not said they would require custo
More than a year into the pandemic, no new MSHA safety standards regulated
Stock image.
During law partner and co-chair of Stoel Rives mining group Willa Perlmutter’s 30 years’ experience as counsel in all legal aspects of mining, she has worked on categories of investigations of the worst kind: Mine accidents that include single or multiple fatalities.
Portland, Oregon-based Perlmutter served on the team that investigated the Crandell Canyon coal mine disaster, which killed six miners and three rescue workers in Utah in 2007, and it left a mark.
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Permutter said when it comes to the common thread seen most in accident/fatality investigations, it comes down to human error.