There s a $2,500 detoxifying home sauna, a $300 scalp massager said to energize hair follicles and a $98 face wand that fights breakouts. But experts said they are skeptical.
When an excessive amount of water is consumed, possibly over a short period, it dilutes the sodium, or salt, in the blood - in a condition called hyponatremia. This can lower blood salt levels leading to a seizure.
The US FDA announced an ingredient in common cold medications doesn t actually work, but it turns out Grandma may have been right all along: Chicken soup is the perfect remedy.
One TikToker with more than 70,000 followers went viral with the unfounded claim that the phenomenon also called an "earworm" or "brainworm" is a symptom of ADHD, or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
It s a familiar irritating phenomenon: you re trying to fall asleep or concentrate, but a song is playing over and over in your head. According to some TikTokers, this means you have ADHD.