Have that somehow or another that trump is trumping back. I will say that there is Pot Calling The Kettle Black to say that somehow democrats are playing up these cultural issues. This is the Willie Horton party. Laura what Michael Dukakis came up with Willie Horton. Reagan and welfare queen. Jesse helms crumbling that up paper. The way that donald trump is race baited. Laura barack obama at the same point in his presidency was 46 , he wasnt above 50. Look, this has been a wild ride for a year all im saying is when it comes to the economy when it comes to trade agreements slightly better for Middle America. Fewer people unemployed. Thats good stuff. Doesnt mean everything is perfect and there arent big disagreements. I think that d. C. Deep poll this was the party of barack obama using the irs if you like your plan can you keep your plan. Relations in the oval office. We cant even talk about whawith my kids because they are under age. Richard, please, give us a break about the honesty
computers and phones and turn the screws on him, so he s worried he won t see his children to his wife for 20 years. that is where we ended up. and i don t think that is where the country ever understood that the special prosecutor to end up through all of these side channels, to end up, up with this southern district. i don t think that would this is what people expected. that is with a special prosecutor statute was supposed to be all about. you can close it out. michael cohen did not want to comment on the russia collusion thing. he did say that he respected the investigation met mueller was doing. 90 wouldn t comment on that russia meeting at the trump tower. we don t know what is going to happen. i hope nothing bad happened. i don t want to think that our president committed any crimes. but let s get to the bottom of it and end it. laura: so we went from russia collusion, the unction tampering, to a stripper-porn star, cashing in on her 15 minutes of man, michael
look at this piece of video. this is cnn. they convened a group of evangelical women and they thought well, we will rattle them. we will play some stormy daniels for them. this is what happened. why would she come out and give this interview if she wasn t telling the truth? money. money. and more money. do any based on this interview, do any of you believe that stormy daniels did have sex with trump? i don t believe it i haven t seen any hard proof. believe the president of the united states. pick him over her. or a stripper porn star. i go with the president of the united states. this is a porn star. why are we giving it any credibility? laura: why are they sticking by him? they are sticking by him because, remember, during the campaign, i went out polling places and encountered a number of evangelicals and catholics why in the light of the billie bush thing are you voting for this man? laura: that s right. they sewed we believe he is check not only
look at the video. it is cnn they convened evangelical women we ll play some stormy daniels this is what happened. why would cow she come out and give the interview if she wasn t telling the truth. money. do, based on this interview do any of you believe that stormy daniels had sex with donald trump? i don t believe i it, because we haven t seen any hard proof. believe the president of the united states or a stripper porn star. yeah, it is a porn star. why are we giving it any credibility. why are they sticking by him? during the campaign i was at polling places and evangelicals why in light of the billy bush are you vote for this man? we believe he s a check in ourme government gone away we didn t like it to go but the churches that have v gotten very
year we have seen him. absolutely. from a brash new york person to the president that we are proud of today. i think we are all different people today than we were in 2006. he is a father, a grandfather. when you have children the way you look at the world changes. when you look at evangelical christianity, it is about family, being faithful, and yet this doesn t seem to bother any of you? well you know what bothers me are the stories that detract from the good things he s doing. for the american people. instead of hearing that, we re hearing old news from someone that s not really that credible from a stripper porn star. he is doing the best job that we ve ever seen. so proud. for a president. and i can in the short time can stand proud as an american again. among this group of christian women, at least, donald trump can do no wrong. randi kaye, cnn, dallas. coming up, a question many parents are asking. should i let my child play