As per the latest enforcement report by USFDA, the company, which is a unit of Bengaluru-headquartered Strides Pharma Science, is recalling 6,78,829 bottles of the blood pressure lowering drug in the US market.
Bengaluru: Strides Pharma Science Limited, a global pharmaceutical company, has announced that Dr. R. Ananthanarayanan(Ananth) has decided to depart as Managing Director (MD) and Chief Executive.
Bengaluru: Strides Pharma Science Limited, a global pharmaceutical company, has recently announced its partnership with Medicines Patent Pool (MPP) to commercialize molnupiravir in the international.
Bengaluru: Strides Pharma Science Limited has recently announced that its step-down wholly owned subsidiary, Strides Pharma Global Pte. Limited, Singapore, has received approval for Oseltamivir.