By Sheria Brathwaite
Classes at two schools were disrupted on Wednesday, the second straight day for one of them, as environmental issues continue to impact schools across the island.
The Grantley Adams Memorial Secondary School in Blackman’s St Joseph closed early after teachers and students complained about cow itch.
First vice-president of the Barbados Union of Teachers
There are chronic problems that pose grave threats to our public education system; and they need to be addressed post-haste.Almost every week, there is an issue or issues at some school plant across the island that forces closure. These closures have an impact on the students, some of who are already facing challenges due to the lack of teaching during the height of the COVID pandemic.How can we expect these students to settle down and get on with the job if classes continue to be interrupted? How can the teaching staff get a rhythm going if they either do not feel safe at work or are falling ill due to environmental issues? How are parents to cope when they receive calls, while on the job, that they must come and collect their charges or make arrangements to have them collected?Serious decisions have to be made and action must be taken in order to ensure that these disruptions are the exceptions and not the rule.Over the past week alone hundreds of students have lost precious teaching
The Ministry of Education, Technological and Vocational Training (METVT) is informing parents/guardians of students of the Frederick Smith Secondary School, located at Trents, St James, that the school will remain closed for all STUDENTS on Monday, March 13, 2023.
The Chief Education Officer, Dr Ramona Archer-Bradshaw and several senior officials of the METVT met with the principal and staff of the
Frederick Smith Secondary School will remain closed for all students on Monday, March 13, 2023. However, members of the athletics team are still expected to report to Harrison College at 9 a.m. on Monday for the BSSAC Field Meet. The school, located at Trents, St James, closed early last Thursday because of a shortage of staff and did not reopen the following day as Chief Education Officer Dr Ramona Archer-Bradshaw …
By Marlon Madden
The Barbados Light & Power Company (BLPC) has raised alarm about the potential instability of the national grid given the increasing number of connections being made by renewable energy systems.
The issue has become so “critical” that the island’s sole electric utility company has applied for permission to build a combined total of 60 megawatts of utility-scale storage across