Wanted more action from him within the community if theres one thing that i noticed ever since that ive been alive when president term ran in 2000 and in 2016 is that he talked to minorities he talked on as they were people he talked over them and he basically said what you know just i mean what do you have to lose then he walked into the community with dr ben carson all right now lets i never see any republican president ial candidate walk in the community in detroit on streets of detroit just walking down the streets now and that alone should show that hes a different type of person. To get things done in iraq i really wish. But he would do it on a more regular basis because if if i know one thing about the black community is that they know when they see a genuine person and they know when they are made theres not jane they support President Trump they would offend President Trump when people Start Talking about barack obama or things that are happening in the country but what do you
Fires case in russia has been soaring overnight i think that my. Last time. I said for sure and. I think by. Writing fake. Hello im richard just britain youre at the listening post working from home the media stories were looking at this week will take us from moscow to minsk via manila we examine russias fake news problem with cope with 19 the official numbers just dont add up bellow ruses state of denial on the coronavirus and the bloggers to change the narrative and freedom of the press in the philippines hits a new low with the conviction of rattlers maria ressa and the subtle ways in which socalled non racists let racism thrive its crew thought nothing russia is currently in 3rd place on the list of countries with the most confirmed coronavirus case the official figure there exceeds half a 1000000 but that is in dispute as is the countrys fatality rate which last month was 7 times below the global average according to journalists and scientists who have studied the way russia tabu
Increase in hostilities in yemen listen this is the moment to stop all military action this is the moment right on fighting. With global news makers the stories the. 0. Number of fire is case in russia has been soaring overnight and thats. Just the 1st time. I said for sure and i think by. Spring break. Hello im richard just britain youre at the listening post working from home the media stories were looking at this week will take us from moscow to minsk via manila we examine russias fake news problem with covert 19 the official numbers just dont add up bellow russas state of denial on the coronavirus and the bloggers to change the narrative and freedom of the press in the philippines hits a new low with the conviction of rattlers maria ressa and the subtle ways in which socalled non racists let racism thrive its crew thought nothing russia is currently in 3rd place on the list of countries with the most confirmed coronavirus case the official figure there exceeds half a 1000000 but th
The perception that germans out wide fair haired and blue eyed has never been true and will never be to its and. People always ask me where im from its not possible to be german and black. From the moment i get up and leave the house in the morning im confronted with racist views images in stereo types of people. As a child alice wanted to have white skin because i felt bed being black and not being able to blend in and i was kind of sticking out of the group and being you know different than the rest i didnt want to be different. I am traveling around germany to talk with other black people about our experiences with racism my 1st stop this ham thats where i was born and. I had absolutely wonderful parents and that helped me a lot in difficult situations. I mean i always had a lot of friends about what i do remember and kim agora that we played these funny games like whos afraid of the black man and tender little negroes thats called in german so and i remember that sometimes the ran
The perception that germans out wide the ahead in blue eyed has never been true and will never be too. People always ask me where im from its not possible to be german and black. From the moment i get up and leave the house in the morning im confronted with racist abuse images and syria types of people. As a child out. Wanted to have white skin because i felt bed being black and not being able to blend in and i was kind of sticking out of the group and being you know different than the rest i didnt want to be different. I am traveling around germany to talk with other black people about our experiences with racism my 1st stop is ham thats where i was born and. I had absolutely wonderful parents and that helped me a lot in difficult situations. I mean ours had a lot of friends about i do remember. That we played these funny games like whos afraid of the black man and tender little negroes its called in german so and i remember that sometimes they ran after me and said yeah nothing can h