ainsley: look at the stunning picture showing hundreds of people packed on a u.s. cargo ship desperate to escape. the president thought everything would be fine and that was not the case. deeply saddened by the fact we now face but i do not regret my decision. august 2021 will be looked upon a tipping point for the islamist american weakness and islamist fred makes landfall. it declaring a state of emergency as streets mexico beach become submerged. it advising most americans to get a booster shot. at this point i don t see a good argument for it natural immunity that many people have provides the same level of protection. gavin newsom has a new campaign out. what s at stake in the september 14th recall is a matter of life and death. shows that gavin newsom truly is terrified. don t let the fear tactics fool you. steve: fox news alert. 7:00 in new york city.