Desk returns with another excellent combo exhibition for fans to enjoy. As of late, the top tier combo maker has been delving deeper into the world of Street Fighter 2 in an attempt to find some things fans may not .
WWE 2k22 saw its official launch earlier this week, and while wrestling games don't quite fit the definition of the type of fighting games we cover here on the website, there is a feature in the game that lends .
The year was 1993 and ol' DreamKing was just a wide-eyed 3-year-old (please don't do the math, I'm old). Two years after the series' initial debut in Japanese arcades, Capcom managed to bring the Street Fighter 2 experience .
As part of the Five Gods of Japanese fighting games, BST|Daigo Umehara and Rohto|Tokido's rivalry has spanned over a decade and multitude of games providing some of the most iconic moments across Street Fighter's history.Closing .
If you've ever traveled to a fighting game major, gaming or anime convention, you'll probably know that great Street Fighter cosplay is pretty hard to come by, so it's extra special when one does walk your way .