Governor Ned Lamont today announced that the State of Connecticut recently received national recognition for its use of technology to streamline and improve state regulatory practices and provide better service to Connecticut residents.
6:00 eastern. if you have gassed up recently, you are feeling the pain at the pump. the national average is $3.76, up 30 cents from a month ago. some are calling on the president to take action. but what can he or congress do to make a difference? joining us now is elliot engle and michael burgess, both members of the house energy and commerce committee. thank you. shannon: the president said he wants to count on a few things, streamlining efforts in a few area, primarily in getting our cars to be more fuel efficient, to help everyone across the board. do you agree? i have no argument that fuel efficiency as a strategy and i welcome the president who, has adopted an all of the above strategy. house republicans have been saying this for years. we need an all hands on deck approach to the energy problems, the lack of energy policy has been a serious, serious shortcoming. but there are people whoa try to