Necessary trouble Fr. Steve Kelly released from jail (Image by beyondnuclearinternational)
Released from jail, Fr. Steve Kelly insists no one is truly free under the threat of nuclear omnicide
By Leonard Eiger
When Father Steve Kelly, a nuclear resister and Jesuit priest, walked out of a Tacoma, Washington courthouse on April 13, 2021, he was still wearing his prison khakis. When he was taken from jail in Georgia in mid-December to be transported to Tacoma, he had left in chains.
Now Kelly was a free man. But for how long? In Tacoma, Magistrate Judge David Cristel sentenced Kelly to time served, and released him without conditions. Kelly had effectively served the maximum six-month prison sentence for violating conditions of his supervised release for a 2017 trespass conviction at the Trident nuclear submarine base in Silverdale, Washington during a Pacific Life Community nonviolent direct a
VIRIN: 201214-N-DI587-1001
WASHINGTON – Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Adm. Mike Gilday traveled to the Pacific Northwest Dec. 14-16, to visit with Sailors and see first-hand the work they are doing throughout the region.
“I could not be more proud of the work our Sailors are doing in the Pacific Northwest,” said Gilday. “From unmanned systems to shipyard maintenance and ballistic missile submarines, our Sailors up here are getting after it and contributing in extraordinary ways to our Navy’s readiness, both for today and for tomorrow.”
Gilday began his three-day trip at Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, Wash. where he visited Patrol Squadron One (VP 1) and Patrol Squadron 47 (VP 47).