All of the missiles Russia launched in the direction of Kyiv on the morning of Dec. 8 were destroyed, the capital’s military administration has reported on Telegram.
The B-21 Raider took its first test flight on Friday, moving the futuristic warplane closer to becoming the nation's next nuclear weapons stealth bomber.The Rai
WASHINGTON (AP) — The B-21 Raider took its first test flight on Friday, moving the futuristic warplane closer to becoming the nation s next nuclear weapons stealth bomber.
In their latest estimates, Western intelligence agencies assess that the reduced bomber sorties are “almost certainly” the result of diminishing stockpiles of cruise missiles.
Journalists of the Skhemy project have analysed satellite images and found that Russia is actively building military plants - In particular, those that manufacture and repair tactical and strategic aircraft, combat helicopters, military drones and guided bombs.