Mohegan, the world-renowned entertainment and gaming brand formally known as Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment, has named Guy Greene Vice President of Online Marketing for its iGaming division, Mohegan Digital. As VP of Online Marketing, Greene will drive the overall marketing strategies that support the expanding footprint of Mohegan Digital s online gaming products, which include in Connecticut and in Ontario, Canada.
Greene will oversee all Marketing and Advertising strategies for the Digital Division of Mohegan
UNCASVILLE, Conn., Oct. 12, 2023 /PRNewswire/ Mohegan , the world-renowned entertainment and gaming brand formally known as Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment, .
Mohegan, the world-renowned entertainment and gaming brand formally known as Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment, has named Guy Greene Vice President of Online Marketing for its iGaming division, Mohegan Digital. As VP of Online Marketing, Greene will.