Netflix on Tuesday introduced mobile games to move beyond movies and television series and offer a new source of entertainment to its users worldwide. As a result of the update, Netflix members across the globe can now be able to play five mobile games — Stranger Things: 1984 (BonusXP), Stranger Things 3: The Game (BonusXP), Shooting Hoops (Frosty Pop), Card Blast (Amuzo & Rogue Games), and Teeter Up (Frosty Pop).
Mumbai: Netflix has launched its first two mobile games on Android – "Stranger Things: 1984" and "Stranger Things 3" for members in Poland. Netflix Geeked made the announcement on 26 August via their official Twitter handle. “Today members in Poland can try Netflix mobile gaming on Android with two games, Stranger Things: 1984 and Stranger Things 3. It’s very, very early days
Netflix Android app in Poland now offers two Stranger Things games as the first step in the company’s expansion into gaming. Poland. The video-streaming service shared the development through a tweet and stated that it is at an early stage with gaming on its platform.