it was great. everybody wanted to talk about red eye. you guys are incredibly popular among the tween and college set. that s all they wanted to talk about. strange they don t invite us there. i know. good move. the jonathon crohn is like a 14-year-old. don t get me started. i like that kid. god i love that kid. ron, how did your stand up go the other night? beautiful. i will be back at comics and i don t have a date set, ut about i will be back very soon. do you think in the near future? they went with that. did they say they are not can selling you, they are just shuffling things around. yeah, they get the right to the time slot. don t give away our booking secrets. my bad. that was our old one now it is shoveling things around.
bad and i said to my sister, what s wrong with the cabbage? she said, don t say anything. then my father comes in from the public, sits down and he pulls out a brillo pad. we didn t have any dirty dishes after the end of the meal. you talk about how poor you were. i read you were using newspaper as toilet paper. did it matter you were poor? did you mind? if you are born into an environment, that s the way life is. you dream of having a soft toilet roll. i had that dream last night. when i got older i walk around with a toilet roll around my neck with a piece of string. that s awesome. you first landed in jail. you were young when you first wept to jail. what did you steel?
dogs. i don t kill animals anymore. not today, anyway. but i just i just, you know, move on. i ask about the bat and dog every time. if you don t know the answer you may have been living on a different planet. i just want to know which one tasted better. do you miss drugs at all? not really. when i got successful with black sabath, that was the thing i thought you had to do. that s not the case. if i do want to try it again, i know how to get it. all these doctors are going, don t ever ask for a pill. everybody knows my pill and vicodin and the perk set. the per cassette are the bad ones. ozzy, we have to go. you know percosettes.
you get the door handle for cars. there were four guys and we are equally as important to each as we were in a band. and i don t think there is anyone on the planet that can do rifts with him. he said let s start writing scary songs. we originally were a jazz blues band. there were six of us in the original band. i read in your book that you almost turned yourself in for an incident you thought you killed a priest in the 70s. why did you think you killed a priest? i made this cake with hash in it. when he moved into the country, [inaudible [i ut put it in this tin on the shelf and i said to my wife, my ex-wife, don t ever give it
the proper stones, the island is off the coast of scotland and not canada. and he never sleeps when he makes a mistake. i regret the error and apologize to the island. charlie sheen enters rehab or prehab. you never have been to rehab and yet you are all about partying. kudos you can show the kids to keep it clean, and still party. you don t have to go. you just handle yourself. hear, here. i guess that is too, but that s not as good a lesson for the kids. don t get in trouble in the first place. hide it well is what you are saying. you said you were worried about the kid on 2 and a half men and greg you said angus t jones, the guy who plays the kid, is 47. he is actually 16. he is mature looking. it is not 2 and a half men