Of them come straight from the heart to its former c. E. O. Even when theres no Morning Television a mushroom interview. From his 1st glimpse of the long road to their final resting place the russians are d. W. Documentary. Germanys blue chip index welcomes a newcomer so why is a Home Delivery rather Home Food Delivery Service now rubbing shoulders with adi das and b. M. W. To bring you up to speed. Also on the show south africa is rich in some lights and poor in Solar Infrastructure local startup wants to change that by drawing in small investors around the world. And turkeys Tourism Sector is cautiously optimistic as visitor numbers rise to many businesses say. Time. Of the show im Stephen Beard in berlin delivery hero is the newest member of germanys blue chip dax index replacing the insolvent and scandal hit wire card the food Delivery Firm broad reach and growing revenues but it has yet to turn a profit lets take a look. Delivery hero paints itself is the disruptive dynamic new pl
Charles coming up my oneonone interview with Vice President mike pence plus Small Businesses expected to get some relief this week as job losses continue to grow. Reaction from former Small Business administrator Linda Mcmahon. All that and so much or an making money. Charles markets stumble out of the gate this morning as investors reacted to sobering news on the potential coronavirus deaths, not so much by selling but many investors are staying on the sideline while the Coronavirus Task force models for a potential peak in the next couple weeks. Wall street is modeling the Lasting Impact of the shutdown to society and it is sure to change in many, many ways. For the most part this is largely a guessing game for the market, beginning with tomorrows initial jobless claims. To be sure there is a school of thought that the market is already oversold and perhaps underestimating the resolve of the American Public and our economy that by the way was a juggernaut before the terrible pandemic
But everything above where its dry is low. So with the, when the people get drained begins to decompose, you can see that in the sample in the upper layer where its so doc, theres lots of companies. Theres what that says, its all scottsdale who was this, the composition worries, the ecologist, pete is made up of dead plants which funk into shallow, slightly acidic water. This oxygen poor environment doesnt allow the debris to decompose the carbon stays port. The draining exposes the layers to oxygen, which stops the composition and finds it to the element. It has been released as comp and dioxide. And what wasnt more detailed and keep lands on like probably more. And then they can do so much. The bio diversity alone is very special and they tell me to call but and sing the surfaces. Thats why its so important that we protect so heat lens and not just one living ones, but also the ones we drain and that tom grace, a gallery, has been functioning for pete lance for 20 years. She focuses
Caves in this valley alone, and some 4000 in all of count abriya. One cave in particular, is of special interest to the german expedition team. The what they discover here is mind blowing. Me sure. Yeah. Like a toast. Binds organisms that bear witness to the very origins of life on earth, the kind of impoverished youve just found. A huge patch with one of the oldest sonya in effect, syria were aware of the big cats incredible. I have never seen anything like that. Its quite incredible. Im. Its a loss to what we fidget, clock about, right. Whats left him speech list is how these bacteria known colloquially as blue green algae can survive with so little light the noise on one hand, we really want to discover and isolate new sign and bacteria and to use them for the technological applications. At the same time thought when we have in such a marvelous habitat, the 1st question is naturally, how would they survive . So thats what were doing is were measuring photosynthesis with this device.
A year. Weve accompanied researchers from kaisers low towns, university of applied sciences to the depth of a spanish case where life on mars is being stimulated here on earth or in space. Algae could be the key, doesnt come up 1st, go for a 1st name, and ill give you all can take in waste materials and waste water and an extract nutrients from manns office. Weve very light and they can also produce oxygen. So as i can find the c o 2 we exile create to oxygen and food. Same time on this. Ok, a property amongst the best organisms for producing food. But i dont know the as an expedition in northern spain, an hours drive from build out the these researchers led by biologist misha, lack of toast, are exploring a cave in hopes of discovering new species of algae and furthering their research on known once. Theyre not exactly sure what awaits them. There are almost 300 caves in this valley alone, and some 4000 in all of count abriya. One cave in particular, is of special interest to the germ