If you happen to own or drive a vehicle that has a loud exhaust, you might want to do your best to avoid driving it in the state of New York going forward. You will be free to drive there, but you might face a fine of $1,000 if you get caught doing so because the state's Governor signed a new bill called SLEEP.
Volvo 242 by The Architect’s Garage Photo by @thearchitectsgarage / Douglas Peterson-Hui /www.thearchitectsgarage.com
I’m mainly basing this on wishful thinking and projection, of course, but I have found at least one case to back my belief. DouglasPeterson-Hui is a recent Architecture graduateand a brilliant embodiment of my preconceptions of what it must mean to be an architect. He maintains a pair of blocky Volvos, along with a minimalist sensibility and a rather successful Instagram page: @thearchitectsgarage.
After completing his Master’s in Architecture in Toronto, Douglas returned to his native Vancouver to start into his career. COVID-19 had different plans for the job market in early 2020,however, and Douglas began scratching the creative itch with a foray into digital art. It was a journey that would carry him far beyond what he could have expected, however.
Like the Volvos he drives, Douglas’ enthusiasm for design centers around simplicity, practicality, and accessibility. He uses bold shadows, sharply-defined lines, and carefully-balanced palettes to distill cars and their settings into their most striking and recognizable forms. Selective use of detail minimizes clutter and directs attention to where it matters most, and deciding what makes the cut is a very deliberate balance.
Today, The Architect’s Garage is notable as much for its visual identity as it is for its diversity. Douglas’ style has broad appeal, and since opening himself up to commissions he has rendered everything from multimillion-dollar Porsches to malaise Pontiacs. It’s an art project that anyone who loves their car – any car, really – car can be a part of.