what his - tell what his motive was. steve: justin, heather said there is a report out there that apparently the gunman may have had in his vehicle where they found a explosive device he had tennessee plates? that s what i am hearing from police sources as well. there was tennessee plates and insyndary device and he has a residence in aurora. peter: are you aware of gang activity in that town? i am given to understand that there has been a curfew for citizens under 17 in aurora in order to keep youths off of the street. well, like there are 325,000 people who live in aurora.
i have seen aurora grow to a small suburb of denver to second largest city in colorado. it is booming and like any other city has its share of crimes, but nothing like steve: kelly, we were told that the gang squad was there. they may have been en route because of the gigantic crowd that showed up for the midnight showing is there a gang problem in aurora? yes, there are like in any major city. there are shootings occasionally . it is not like the town is overrun with gangings. for the most part it is it a nice livable suburbs that you would want to raise your kids in. steve: what do you need to tell us about what happened
continues. the gunman then apparently ran out of the back of the theater to the parking lot and that is where his car was parked and that s where police took him down. the guy talked to police immediately right there and he said something to the effect that he had explosives. not just at his apartment, but also in his vehicle that was found at the scene. we do have live pictures that we can bring you in just a moment of the search that is taking place at this guy s apartment in aurora right now. police are looking for any possible explosives. we also understand that atf is on the scene. they are taking a look at any explosive material that they might be able to find and we understand that there are also tracking the weapons that were found at that scene. here is what we know about the suspect. young adult male, white, and he s in his early 20s and we understand that he may have had tennessee license plates. that is not confirmed at this time. that s the latest from here. we ll keep fol
from? and explosive devices. obviously it took a lot of planning for him to do this. here is another question that is important. why this movie theater in it reminds me of the situations that i talk about so often. such as in a shopping center and shopping mall or ball park or something like that. these are the types of things that the police are trying to figure out right now as i speak. steve: the death tollrose to 15 people. wow. steve: shot inside of that movie theater as the movie just started. and the story is as we know. at least 50 are injured. as we know it right now. it sounds like he was in the theater and stood up once the previews were done. soon as the movie started he
that there was a mass incident and the emergency department went in high gear and patients arrived via ambulance and patients walked in on their own and came with friends. the emergency department started to take care of those. gretchen: are there any other times in your career that you experienced anything like this? sure, given our proximity to the airport and a major city, we have had airplane incidents and other things like that happen and so the team is well prepared to handle anything like steve: i know you train for it but when it happens, it is bad. right. that s true. steve: jaqui montgomery, from the university hospital medical center thank you for joining us.