stififfness, swewelling. anand for someme, rinvoq can evenen significacantly rereduce ra fafatigue. that s rininvoq reliefef. with ra,a, your overeractive immune sysystem attatacks your j joints. rinvnvoq regulatates it toto help stopop the attaca. rinvoq canan lower youour abiy toto fight infnfections, includining tubercululosis. serious s infectionsns and blood clotots, sometimimes fa, have o occurred asas have cern cancers, i including l lympho, and tears s in the stotomach oror intestinenes, wilberforcrce anany infectioions. and ifif you are o or may bece prpregnant whihile taking g r. tatake on ra.. talk to o your rheumumatologt about t rinvoq relelief. rinvoq.. makeke it your m mission. if you canan t affordd your m medicine, abbvie m may be ablele to he. gillllette proglgl de. fifive blades s and a pivovog flexball r m medicine, dedesigned to o get virtu uay evevery hair o on the firsrst s so you re e ready for r the dy with a a fresh facace for a fh start. for a limimited time