want to believe, and it is an ego builder for me, but it s still a lie. i got caught up in the moment and i allowed my old nature to lie and continue to lie. and built upon it. and it s just simply wrong. in that mea culpa, he said he did serve in the navy until 1974 but never served in vietnam. that didn t stop him from wearing this pin, which is the medal given to those who complete s.e.a.l. training, symbolizes membership in the team. he said he bought the pin at a military surplus store. he said he only wore it once at a public gathering as a memorial to all s.e.a.l.s. he also had a plaque implying he was a s.e.a.l. there s another twist. remember his lies about kitchen duty? the whistleblower says the pastor s story sounds like scenes from the 1997 movie g.i.
he said he only wore it once at a public gathering as a memorial to all s.e.a.l.s. he also had a plaque implying he was a s.e.a.l. there s another twist. remember his lies about kitchen duty and waterboarding? the whistleblower says the pastor s story sounds like scenes from the 1997 movie g.i. jane. watch. demi moore getting roughed up during s.e.a.l. training, which is one of the things that moats talks about. and there s another movie under siege starring steven seagal. you stand fast. everyone else, go, now. his character got kitchen duty after getting into a fight. as you see, his new job didn t go so well. working a kitchen a similar plot in the pastor s tale. back in june of 2009, we talked
remember his lies about kitchen duty and waterboarding? the whistleblower says the pastor s story sounds like scenes from the 1997 movie g.i. jane. watch. demi moore getting roughed up during s.e.a.l. training, which is one of the things that moats talks about. and there s another movie under siege starring steven seagal. you stand fast. everyone else, go, now. his character got kitchen duty after getting into a fight. as you see, his new job didn t go so well. working a kitchen a similar plot in the pastor s tale. back in june of 2009, we talked to a guy named rick strandloff who pretended to be a former marine captain with a purple heart and silver star. watch this. you said you served 2 1/2 tours in iraq with the marines.