part of this. everybody is going to have to take a cut, and if they re going to raise fees, health care fees on veterans, congress has to approve those cuts and i don t think that will happen. that s going to be a big fight in terms of health care benefits because we know veterans are already struggling anyway. all right, norah, thank you. we ll talk more about that. coming up, new buzz about who might replace robert gibbs as white house press secretary. that s next. jon meacham. i think it s meacham. that would be a very pen sive press secretary. all right. that s in the politico playbook. coming up, also a story making front page news, what scientists found hidden in teardrops of women and the impact it has on men. chris licht, why are we what are we doing here? by the way, someone who wrote a tearjerker of a book. you are not one to talk, chris. we will not do that story.
i have to say nickie is a brilliant woman. with an impressive record. people are attacking her for her past, that s going to engender sympathy. people are saying, she s talking about what i m talking about. in the break we ll try to find out what barack obama s approval rating is right now in delaware. that s a good telltale sign. we have a big show this morning. our bipartisan health challenge is coming up. after the break, the top stories in the politico playbook, van da high. i will not lie to van da high if he asks me. do not do that. a new record for the most personal cash ever spent on a political campaign, a story making front page news. first, bill karins with a check on the forecast. bill, why aren t you here? i may still arrive. who knows? we ll see. actually i ve got to track all